The Talent Hunts

 Have you heard of the scouters? They are the talent scouts of the fashion agencies, the ones responsible for finding the new talent and taking them to the company for which they work. In the case of Bookcassting, our talent scouts look for profiles for models and actors, adding even more valueto our team.

But, after all, how to get the attention of the scouters? What do they look for when they go out in search of new professionals? Check here with us tips on how to wake up the right looks and how to develop an interest profile.

The ideal profile for the scouts

1) Be in the right place
Look for events related to modeling agencies, such as fashion shows and workshops. This way, you will show your interest in the area and have chances of appearing before the talent-hunt.

2) Have networking
Make your own networking, so it will be easier for you to get the attention of the right people. After all, you do not want to join an irresponsible agency, you want to be part of a heavyweight agency team.

3) Be natural
It's no use trying to impress, the talent scouts know very well who has natural talent or who is forcing a situation. So the more natural, the easier to be seen.

4) Learn to listen "no"
Along the way, many "no's" will be told to you and that's part of it. Carrying is not a part and contributes to its growth. Do not be discouraged and persistent to continue.

Written by: Isabella Brachi and Daiane - 2º ano de Química


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