Weird Food

Frog Sashimi 

For this dish, a frog is kept in the kitchen until someone orders the sashimi. At the same time, the animal is cut and placed in a container with ice, going straight to the table. The worst of all this story is that the frog's heart is still beating when it is served.

 Resultado de imagem para sashimi de sapo vivo  

Ant salad

Regarded by the Michelin Guide as the best restaurant in the world for three consecutive
 years, the Danish Noma, offers exquisite dishes and innovative ideas. However, there are 
some rather strange ones that have not been much appreciated, as is the case with the ant 
To prepare it, the ants are chilled alive to move
more slowly. The restaurant claims they have a supposed taste of lemongrass. It
will be? Refrigerated or not, the fact is that there are ants crawling on
dish's value can reach almost 700 reais.
lettuce leaves and this is not at all pleasant, even more knowing that the

Sea urchins

If you go to the ocean, collect your own sea
urchins and eat them immediately after catching has become a popular practice
in Italy. Since the edible part is inside the hedgehog, there is a special tool
to open and enjoy them without the danger of some thorn hinder the process

Sannakji is a dish served in Korea, being usually
seasoned with seeds and sesame oil. The main ingredient of sannakji is Nakji,
which is a small octopus. The tentacles are usually cut with live octopus and
taken quickly to the customer, although sometimes it is served whole.

The main "attraction" of this dish is
that when chewed, the tentacles are still squirming. In addition, since the
suction cups are still active, it is very common for some parts to stick to the
throat of the person who eats.

Snake heart
Eating snake heart is a common habit among the residents of Vietnam. They associate custom with virility. They serve the animal right in front of you, which comes with rice liqueur. As you chew, you may feel pumping the heart of
the crawler.
Resultado de imagem para coraçao de cobra

Sheep´s head
In Iceland, they eat the whole head of the sheep, except for the brain. The inhabitants there consider the cheek and tongue the most tasty part of the whole dish. The delicacy is prepared by boiling the animal's head in water with little salt.
Resultado de imagem para cabeça inteira de ovelha 


Written by: Lívia Santos and Jéssica Pereira



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