Origin of the word capoeira, afro Brazilian culture,struggle,social functions,as began capoeira prohibition, tranformation into national sport,Styles.

The history of capoeira begins in the sixteenth century, at a time when Brazil was a colony of Portugal. African slave labor was widely used in Brazil, especially in sugar mills in the northeast of Brazil. Many of these slaves came from the region of Angola, also a Portuguese colony. The Angolans in Africa made many dances to the sound of music.
Upon arriving in Brazil, Africans realized the need to develop forms of protection against violence and repression of Brazilian settlers. They were constantly targets of violent practices and punishments of senhores de engenho. When they fled from the farms, they were pursued by the captains of the bush, who had a very violent capture.
Capoeira has three styles that differ in movements and accompanying musical rhythm. The oldest style, created at the time of slavery, is capoeira angola. The main features of this style are: slow musical rhythm, lower played strokes (close to the ground) and much malice. The regional style, created by Mestre Bimba, is characterized by the mixture of malice of capoeira angola with the fast play of movements, to the sound of the berimbau. The blows are fast and dry, and stunts are not used. The third type of capoeira is the contemporary one, which unites the first two styles. This last style of
capoeira is the most practiced today. But it is important to

emphasize that capoeira is one, the Capoeira of Angola, considered the mother of the other styles and closer to the capoeira played by the African slaves.

Armada: It kicks with the outside of the foot, in which the body gives a 360 degree turn from behind.

Aú: is the displacement movement also known as "star". Serves as dodge against scuffing.
Alunos:Vítor Hugo,Renan Baltazar 


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