In recent times we have been studying about this particle, about which we know very little.
It is a subatomic particle of neutral charge very difficult to detect, although it is the second most abundant in the universe (just behind the photon), this is due to the fact that it does not interact with two of the four fundamental forces of nature, the strong nuclear force and electromagnetic, for not establishing interaction with the latter it also does not interact with the electromagnetic spectrum: light therefore can not be seen.
  But where do they come from? Among the origins of a neutrino, beta disintegration is a phenomenon where its existence has been discovered. It consists of an unbalanced atom where a neutron becomes a proton, electron and neutrino, or the opposite (theorized by Wolfgang Pauli in 1930, his existence was later proved with the use of a nuclear retor), and the nuclear fusion that also releases neutrinos, the stars do it, that is, the sun releases neutrinos.
  In the detections, it was noticed that less neutrinos were arriving in the Earth than they should have already been aware of the existence of 3 types of neutrinos: neutrino-electron, neutrino-muon and neutrino-tau, and it was at that time that the particle physicist Bruno Pontercovo suggested the oscillation of neutrinos, which they modified when they traveled long distances, since the detectors only captured the type neutrino-electron (that is the one emanated by the nuclear fusion), its theory was proved and explained by some laws of the physics, and generated a plot of probabilities for a neutrino to change (Figure 1) when traversing long distances.
  Until then it was believed that neutrinos traveled at the speed of light, but time does not pass to that which moves at the speed of light, and is not subject to change, and if the neutrino changes as soon as time passes, does not travel at the speed of light, which means that it also has mass, since everything that has no mass travels at the speed of light, then the neutrino has a tiny mass and travels at a speed close to that of light.
There has recently been great speculation after a neutrino was observed traveling faster than light, including that it hid the secrets of time travel, but it was just a miscalculation and equipment problem.
The investment in the study of neutrinos is important because it is a kind of constituent matter, a new spectrum of technological future can be discovered as the phenomena of neutrinos are revealed.


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