Decorating tips

Decorating tips
1- Change things in place.
Position your furniture and objects so that you can change places over time, so you do not get sick of your decor. Ex: photos, frames and random objects that are usually always positioned in the same place and in the same way.
You can leave your environment very different and in different ways.

2- Do not overload the place
Do not put everything in one place. Ex: couch, puff, stools.
Leave these objects spread mainly in the place where you receive visitors, so your house is full of people but not all concentrated in one place leaving the environment more comfortable and cozy.

3. Do not let the "Obvious"
The problem is that we always throw the mess anyway and when we realize we have already left the whole house messed up.
A good idea is to make and have organizer boxes or niches that you can do at home, besides leaving everything organized is also very beautiful and decorative. Another tip is to put hooks and these boxes in a little corner near the entrance of the house, after all is where most of the mess is.


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