Mammoth, an extinct animal


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The mammoth is any species of the extinct genus Mammuthus. They're members of the family Elephantidae and lived from around 4500 years ago. Mammonths had certain physical characteristics that differentiate them from elephants, like snout and bent ivory tusks, the bodies were covered by a thick layer of hairs, these animals reached heights in region of 5 m.

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The mammoths inhabited regions of cold and temperate climate of the planet. They served as food for men who lived in the Neolithic period. The prehistoric men, in group, hunted these animals using traps. The meat was used as food and skin as clothes.

The extinction of the species is due to the fact of the climatic change that happened in the planet, at the end the ice age.
The discovery made by science points to a diversification of seven diferent species of mammoths.

Resultado da sua pesquisa para manny a era do gelo The best known mammoth is Manny, who is portrayed inthe movies "Ice Age".                                       ====>     


✔  In March 2004, French and Russian researchers have found in Siberia a mammonth's fossil.The body of 18-thousand-year-old animal was frozen and practically intact;

✔  Geneticists hope to find preserved DNA samples to try to clone this species in the future.

Written by: Jéssica Pereira e Lívia Santos


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