16 Curious Facts About the Universe

01- It takes 8 minutes for the sun to reach Earth.

02- Black holes have such intense gravitational power that they are able to "swallow" everything around. Even the light.

03- Every minute, somewhere in the Universe, a star explodes and shines brighter than an entire galaxy.

04- If a star is situated at a distance equal to 50 light-years from Earth, the light we see today is the light it emitted 50 years ago.

05- The planet with the largest number of moons is Jupiter with 63. The second place is with Saturn, with 34 moons.

06- A lunar day lasts 27 Earth days.

07- The Earth's rotation is 2 milliseconds slower each year.

08- Jupiter's famous red spot is a 400-year-old storm. Detail: it is 3 times bigger than the Earth.

09- Venus and Uranus rotate in the opposite direction of the other planets of the Solar System.

10- Earth's sky is blue; the one from Mars is pink; Venus, yellow-orange; that of Uranus, green; and Jupiter's, black.

11- A 68-pound person would weigh 159 pounds on Jupiter and only 26 on Mars.

12- There are 5 dwarf planets in the Solar System: Pluto, Ceres, Haumea, Makemake and Eris.

13- Our galaxy-the Milky Way-and the Andromeda galaxy are bound to collide one day, forming a single mega-galaxy.

14- The constellation Cruzeiro do Sul has 54 stars, but we can only observe 5 with the naked eye.

15- As starlight takes time to reach us, it is likely that many stars we see on Earth no longer exist.

16- If we were to drive a car at a steady speed of 100 miles per hour, it would take 220 million years to reach the center of the Milky Way.


Referência bibliográfica: http://www.maiscuriosidade.com.br/50-pequenas-curiosidades-sobre-o-universo/


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