Ágatha e Breila

Acai is one of the most consumed Brazilian fruits! But for that person who is tired of always "taking açaí" in the same way, and even loves the fruit, we have some recipes to vary your menu!
-Aquila milkshake with banana:
• 200 g of Greek yogurt (1 pot)
• 250g Acai (frozen)
• 6 slices of banana (any type)
• 3 tablespoons milk (ice cream)
• Granola for decoration.
1. Beat in the blender, 200g of frozen Greek yogurt, 250g of frozen açaí, 6 slices of banana and 3 tablespoons of milk until homogeneous.
2. Serve still ice cream and enjoy the summer!
YOGURT: in the recipe was used the Greek yogurt for being firmer, however, you can use the natural or skim, but in this case leave it almost frozen so that the drink does not get too liquid.
SORVETE: If you want to use ice cream, try using cream or some that does not hide the flavor of the açaí.
BANANA: If you do not like bananas, leave without or exchange for other fruits that have the same creamy characteristics.
MILK: If you like, change the milk to the guarana.

- Acai Ice Cream:
• ½ cup (tea) Condensed Milk
• 1 cup of açaí pulp
• 1 can of cream (with whey)
• ½ cup milk
• 1 package of unscented gelatine (colorless)
1. In a blender add the açaí (at room temperature), sour cream, condensed milk and milk.
2. Beat well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
3. Hydrate the gelatine according to the manufacturer and add with remaining ingredients and beat very well to mix.
4. Lubricate a pudding (20 cm) with margarine, oil or butter, add the contents of the blender and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
5. To demold, simply turn a small knife and turn.
ENVIRONMENTAL TEMPERATURE: All ingredients should be at room temperature, if they are frozen, it may end up solidifying the gelatine ahead of time.
Açaí: buy these pulps that usually take in the bowl.
FLAVOR: If you want a more intense flavor, swap the milk for more acai.
ATTENTION: Do not take it to the freezer, always leave it in the refrigerator so that everything is fine.
- açaí MOUSSE:
• 300 grams of AÇAÍ POLPA
• 6 grams of GELATINE IN SHEET
• 50 grams of CHANTILLY

- Ingredients: rocambole mass:
• 120 grams of sugar
• 120 grams of FLOUR
• 120 grams of MAISENA

- Method of preparation: Acai mousse:
1. Beat the açaí pulp along with the banana.
2. Hydrate, drain and melt gelatin.
3. Add the gelatin to the açaí and mix.
4. Gradually incorporate the whipped cream so that it does not lose air.
5. Refrigerate for 1 hour.

- Method of preparation:
1. Lubricate a shape, glue a piece of butter paper to the bottom of the shape, lubricate the paper again and engage in the shape of 50x25cm. The shape is excellent so that the genoise becomes very thin (with the thickness of 1 finger) and ideally the shape is low, so that it does not overcome much with the lack of mass.
2. Beat the eggs with sugar until whitish.
3. Take the mixture in the water bath and continue beating with the help of a fouet until the eggs reach 54 ° C.
4. Remove from the water bath and return to the mixer. Beat until the mixer bowl is completely cold. You will notice that it will double in volume and remain in the texture of a light, gassy cream.
5. Sift the flour with the corn starch and, when the mixer bowl is loose, drag the flour mixture and, with the aid of a spatula, incorporate the flour with the edges of the bottom and center.
6. TIP: Be sure to incorporate the flour that is in the bottom of the bowl.
7. Bake in a heated oven at 220 ° C for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the genoise is lightly golden, it may not get too dark to break while roasting the rocambole.
8. Take a clean towel, water and twist.
9. Remove the oven from the oven and remove the dough from the wet cloth. Wrap the rocambole with the help of the cloth and let it rest for 10 minutes.
10. Unroll, put a thin layer of the mousse wrap again.
11. Set the refrigerator to freeze.
12. Serve ice cream with a little powder of ice sprinkled on the top.

Resultado de imagem para açai

And for today it's a good appetite


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