Using Idioms

Now we're going to see 2 examples about how the idiomatic expressions can to be used. The first text is a short story about a couple:

John and Mary met in a blind date one and half year ago and it was love at first time. They hit if off at once.
Soon afterwards they dated a lot and made eyes at each other all the time. They were crazy about each other. John head over heels about Mary and she let him stole her heart because she knew that he was the one. Everybody knew they were made for each other.
After six months John bought the rings and, in the Valentine’s Day, he invited a couple of friends to a double date in a restaurant where he would pop the question to Mary. That night they got engaged and decided to take the plunge within a year.
One year later they got hitched. Paul and Mary were present and witness they tied the knot. It was a happy occasion.
Even until now after three years of marriage, they still live in love for each other.

Can you find all the idiomatic expressions? No? We'll help you. 
1. To be the one: Ser a pessoa certa;
2. A blind date: Ter um encontro "ás cegas";
3. To be crazy about someone: Ser louco por alguém;
4. To date: Ter um encontro ou um relacionamento sério;
5. A double date: Um encontro com dois casais;6. To fall in love for (or with) someone: Se apaixonar por alguém;
7. To get engaged: Ficar noivo, noivar;
8. To get hitched: Casar; 9. Head over heels for: Estar perdidamente apaixonado; 10. To hit it off: Se dar bem com alguém logo de cara; bater o santo;
11. Love at first sight: Amor à primeira vista; 12. Made for each other: Feito um pro outro;
13. To make eyes at someone: Trocar olhares românticos com alguém, paquerar;
14. To pop the question: Fazer o pedido, propor casamento;
15. To steal one’s heart: Conquistar o coração de alguém;
16. To take the plunge: Decidir se casar; 17. To tie the knotCasar;18. Valentine’s Day: Dia dos namorados.

Now, let's go to the second example. 

The second text, is a comic. See it: 

Do you know what these idioms mean? We'll show it to you: 
1. Dream on: Vai sonhando!; 
2. Easy does it: Devagar se vai ao longe; 
3. Eager beaver: Pessoa extremamente entusiasmada e que adora trabalhar muito;
4. Keep your chin up: Mantenha o queixo erguido/ Mantenha a honra;
5: Let sleeping dogs lie: Equivalente a "não cutuque a onça com vara curta";
6: Other fish in the sea: Há coisas ou pessoas melhores no mundo;
7: Until hell freezes over: Tentar fazer alguma tarefa "Até o inferno congelar".

We hope you have enjoyed it! Thank you!
It was made by André Henrique Carleci and Lizandra Soares, students of the 2º Computer Network. 


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