Mothers for Diversity.

It consists of a group consisting of mothers (mostly) and parents of lesbians, gays,bisexual, transvestites and transsexuals. It is a political movement fighting for human rights. Civil society, such as support, reception space and information for other mothers and fathers LGBTs.
What is the intention of the movement?
The question that many ask, the movement serves as a welcome for those children who they suffer much and their parents with them. If the government itself says that the constitution must ensure security of the people, why do they simply "camouflage" the cases of homotransphobia.
Well, in return for this came the union of the mothers and fathers with their children,willing to do everything necessary to guarantee the rights of LGBTs, which government according to that failed constitution!
The movement is of utmost importance, since the support of mothers and fathers on the day of LGBT children so that they feel loved get in some way overcome such prejudice they live.
What do these mothers and fathers want?
Simple, they want their children to be respected. May you love and kiss as you please,without being judged. They want above all else to be happy !!
And yes, all this is possible, just everyone knows to RESPECT, without judging such "difference".

Referências Bibliográficas:

Produzido por: Larissa Adriana; Hevellyn Fernanda; Ludmyla Gouveia.


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