History of the Internet in Brazil
However the history of the internet in Brazil took a little longer to open its way and spaces in the technological environment. In Brazil the internet appeared from the 90's and was made available only for research, for some universities, they could use for research purposes only. The internet only began to be commercialized a few years later, in the middle of 1994 it began to be sold by the company of telecommunications Embratel. In 1995 the Ministry of Telecommunications in conjunction with the Ministry of Science and Technology, began activities to provide Internet access for the Brazilian population.
It was from this moment on that the Internet in Brazil began to be used also for the education, as for example, offer of virtual courses, web conferences on educational topics, online seminars, like others that were emerging, as is the example of education to distance. With the encouragement of government several institutions have developed continuing education courses, long-term courses and even higher education course suggest with the benefit of using the internet.
The beginning of Distance Learning - EAD in Brazil began a long time ago, since the 1940s, this resource was already used by the military of the Brazilian army, they carried out courses by correspondence, then began to be carried out by radio, television and telephone and from the 90's began to use the internet and the technological means to bring education to many people through the use of information technology.
Currently teaching through the EAD brought great possibilities of access to education for a population that did not have access because it was far from schools and universities, as well as improved access to many people who did not have the financial resources to pay for a face-to-face college.
Teaching through EAD also offers a myriad of tools that a student can use for his studies, we can cite as an example the Virtual Environments of Learning (AVA), which offer to their students, dynamic content, participation in forums, with other colleagues of course , provide access to polls, exercises for learning, provide learning objects, videos to complement the studies.
The virtual learning environment - AVA makes the learning process accessible and interactive, since the student has control of his studies, access to instructional materials, access to his development in the studies, results measuring his performance in the activities, all this interactivity in the days current, makes people more and more interested in studying with EAD.
This new possibility through the use of AVA for study is a very rich space because students can exchange ideas with other colleagues, check the suggestions and comments of the virtual community, interact online in real time with the teacher and other colleagues . The AVA goes beyond a virtual space to learn because it allows many advantages for the student to expand their knowledge about their course and even broaden their knowledge with new technologies.
Autores: Lucas Santana Martos
Thiago Corá
2º Ano de Mecatrônica
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